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A tea for digestion, of course!

It's peppery and soothing yet refreshing.

KawakawaPeppermintFennel & Cinnamon help with digestion and flatulence.
Lemon Balm helps support digestion and ease cramping.

Use this tea if you experience bloating or excess gas.
It has been used in clinic for IBS symptoms.

If you've had a big night and are feeling a bit um, awful (for a kind way to put it) this tea can help.


Not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any condition.

Digestion Tea, Organic

  • Wildcrafted, spray free Macropiper excelsum (Kawakawa) folia
    Certified organic Mentha x piperita herb (Peppermint)
    Certified organic Foeniculum vuglare seed (Fennel)
    Certified organic Melissa officinalis herb (Lemon Balm)
    Certified organic, Fair trade Cinnamomun spp. bark (Cinnamon)

  • Infuse 1 teaspoon in one cup of boiling water.
    Cover. Infuse for 5 minutes.
    Drink 1-4 cups per day dependent on condition.

    Caution with Hashimoto's or low thyroid due to Lemon Balm.
    Because it contains cinnamon, caution with pregnancy please

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