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Bless the kidneys, working away to maintain hydration levels, making vitamin D, making erythropoietin for red blood cell manufacture, removing toxins, and keeping the mineral levels just so. And, if you're fasting, guess who's responsible for making glucose to keep you going?


In other words, they are extremely important and quietly do their thing. When fasting or implementing a detox program, the kidneys can be overlooked. This tea is used in clinic primarily for heavy metal chelation programs or fasting. It is kidney specific, where the Detox Tea has liver and adrenal support.


Kidney Support Tea is a herbal combination to help prevent inflammation and encourage waste removal.


Liquorice root, Nettle herb, Marshmallow root, Dandelion leaf, Corn Silk, & Calendula flowers get together to carry the kidneys through difficult times. Some times, if Corn Silk is not available, Clivers is substituted.

Kidney Support Tea, Organic

  • Certified organic Glycyrrhiza glabra root (Liquorice)
    Certified organic Urtica dioica herb (Nettle)
    Certified organic Althea officinalis root (Marshmallow)
    Certified organic Taraxacum officinale folia (Dandelion leaf)
    Non-GMO, organically grown Zea mays style (Cornsilk)
    Certified organic Calendula officinalis flos (Calendula flowers)
    Please note:
    Certified organic Gallium aparine herb (Clivers) if Zea mays is not available.

    Due to liquorice content
    do not use if you are on dialysis
    taking high blood pressure medication
    or on warfarin. 

  • Infuse 1-2 teaspoons in once cup of boiling water. Cover. Steep for 3-5 minutes. Strain. Drink 2-3 cups per day or as instructed by your healthcare provider.

    During heavy metal detox programs drink up to 5 cups per day to support the kidneys.

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