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If you love lavender, you'll love LavandaCalm.


A creamy smooth balm which may help with anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, or just because.

You could rub a small amount on wrists, temples or feet and possibly experience its calming affects. However, in keeping with Medsafe regulations, we make no therapeutic claim with this product. 


You could use this balm for those stressful moments or before bed (ideally the two aren't combined!) 

For children, it may be useful for sleeping or nervous tension.

For wee bubs, you may rub a tiny amount on their feet possibly for colic, grumpiness, or teething. 


Again, please understand there are no therapeutic claims for this product. 

Historically Lavender has had many uses.
One of our favourites is:
". . .its use for passions of the heart and its tremblings, faintings, & swoonings." Ahh such passions. Beautiful. From The Materia Medica of Western Herbs, by Carole Fisher.


10 gram glass pottle.

LavandaCalm, Organic

  • Certified Organic, Unrefined Shea Butter
    Certified Organic Moringa Oil
    Kokum Butter
    New Zealand Beeswax
    Lavandula angustifolia essential oil.


  • You may rub on pulse points as required.
    Safe for all stages and ages.
    Caution if sensitive to any ingredients.

    Please consult your physician for therapeutic agents. Thank you.

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