A lot of changes happen during pregnancy!
This tea provides support you as you and your baby grow.
Raspberry leaf helps to maintain uterine tone and is like a gym membership for the muscles of the uterus.
Yarrow helps with vascular tone (read haemorrhoids, varicose veins!) and bladder health.
Nettle is chock full of minerals and silica to help with connective tissue support.
Peppermint can help with nausea and gastrointestinal upsets.
Lemon Balm is calming and adds a nice lemon flavour.
Always consult with your healthcare provider.
Not recommended in NZ before 13 weeks gestation.
Not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any condition.
Pregnancy Tea, Organic
Certified organic Rubus idaeus folia (Raspberry leaf)
Certified organic Urtica dioica herb (Urtica dioica)
Certified organic Achillea millefolium flos & folia (Yarrow herb)
Certified organic Rosa canina fruit (Rosehips)
Certified organic Mentha x piperita herb (Peppermint)
Certified organic Melissa officinalis herb (Lemon Balm)Infuse 1 teaspoon in one cup of boiling water.
Cover. Leave for up to ten minutes.
Strain. Enjoy.
Can be sweetened if desired.
Drink 2-3 cups per day or as directed by your healthcare professional.Ensure you have consulted with your midwife or physician before taking our tea.
In New Zealand it is recommended you start taking your tea from thirteen weeks.If you have experienced miscarriages it is not recommended you take Raspberry leaf or Yarrow. Please consult your midwife for the best option for you.
Because of Lemon Balm, do not use if you have low thyroid or have been diagnosed with Hashimotos.